Lanista image
Illustration by Michael Rechlin

Let’s see. I’ve already got all your bits. And I’ve got all your stuff. You’re lucky I left you with those clothes, otherwise I’d have all your dignity too—what little you had in the first place.

Since you’re new, I’m going to do you a favor. Not because I’m nice, but because you remind me of myself when I first arrived in sector. (Though I was smarter, stronger, and better-looking. Still...what can I say? Just means I had more to lose before I figured out how to survive.)

Wait. Are you going to cry? Seriously? Well, that’s up to you. I’ll give you a free warning though. The local fluxwulfs are attracted to the sounds of crying. It’s like ringing the dinner bell.

That’s better. God, I thought I’d have to hit you again.

You’ve got a choice now. Either find the nearest gutter and throw yourself in to be devoured or shredded by the septic fans...or do what I did. And that’s whatever it takes to survive. It’s called natural selection. You’re currently on the losing side, so you need to tip those scales, and quick.

Here’s a question: What’s the best way to make a living around here?

Answer: Ripping off clueless losers like you.

In other words, when you get here and get worked over by someone like me, what’s the best way to get back on your feet?

Screw over the next loser. That’s right. Pay it backward. Eventually you’ll either feel better or just stop caring altogether.

Besides, scamming, stealing, slitting throats, and screwing over the fresh meat is how everyone else here makes ends meet. You’re the only one who cares about you. So you need to protect whatever you've scrounged up and take everything else from the other idiots who don’t protect themselves properly.

Sure, I popped your cherry, but it could’ve been anyone. I just got here first. Lucky you.

Is this because you’re a… what the hell are you, anyway? The eyes, ears, and limbs don’t quite add up for me. Whatever the case, no! I did it just because I could. The fun part? I’m as nice as it gets here.

So survive. Or don’t. Who cares? You’re worthless right now, but that means nobody’s paying attention to you. Use the opportunity to figure out who to shank, who to steal from, who to suck up to, and who to step on so you’re head occasionally gets above the rabble for some fresh air.

Remember… the next person you meet isn’t going to be so nice.




Let’s be honest, your players do not want to be heroes. They want to be something a little less lofty and a lot more fun.

Yeah, they may want to save the world, but in reality most campaigns navigate a long and twisted path to reach the climax. In other words, players will generally leave a trail of blood, havoc and destruction in their wake. During the course of an adventure, the group’s collateral damage upon the gameworld often outweighs any benefit on achieving their virtuous and noble goal.

And that’s ok.

It’s usually the sordid and silly mishaps that have the table laughing and enjoying their role playing experience the most. The freedom of adventuring in a fictional world allows them to enjoy the chaos and laugh at their shameful actions. Did the players accidentally poison the princess, murder the hobo or piss in the soup? It’s all in good fun.

Nexus: Redemption embraces these offbeat and non-chivalrous aspects of your RPG sessions.



Explore the immensity of the D-Verse with the NEXUS: Redemption role-playing game. This unique setting brings a much needed jolt to the TTRPG genre with its fresh mix of lowbrow humor, social commentary and unrestrained creativity.

The backdrop of the NEXUS: Redemption puts characters in a world resigned to acceptance. It is a stark look at an existence where those in power are free to indulge their vanity and greed with no regard for consequence or judgement. It is a culture that celebrates the base desires of violence and depravity. This isn’t a dark future where there is only war. There is no war. There is nothing left worth fighting for. To quote the late Leonard Cohen, “The war is over, and the good guys lost”. How players forge their path amidst these surroundings will most certainly create compelling and entertaining stories.

Players and GMs alike will have a blast exploring the vast array of alien species, vanguard technology and eccentric characters that will comprise their unorthodox adventures. An RPG campaign set in NEXUS: Redemption will be less like “Lord of the Rings” or “Star Wars” and more like “The Big Lebowski”. Adventures will be lighthearted and fun with a splash of deception and a ton of creativity. Players will walk away from the table with stories of survival and redemption. Or perhaps, for the more ruthless players, stories of fame, riches and corruption.

The character progression and skill systems are designed to evolve with the players as they navigate this ruthless environment. Look forward to an approachable TTRPG with easy to learn mechanics that doesn’t sacrifice depth. The NEXUS role-playing game will also feature organic character development with natural evolution into party roles. You can also expect streamlined play while using a unique narrative driven dice system.


This is D-Verse Publishing's proprietary system created to be flexible, intuitive, and inspiring.

  • Approachable - You can jump right in; Character creation is a quick, fun and painless process.
  • Universal - This system can handle anything the imagination can throw at it.
  • Open Ended - This is an RPG where you don’t have to decide what your character and party is going to look like 5 campaigns from now. Characters can naturally evolve into unique and interesting roles
  • Something for everyone - There are features for those who enjoy in-depth combat mechanics as well as those who prefers a simpler combat resolution, with a focus on storytelling.
  • Narrative and Role-play Encouragement - There are features to help ease newcomers into role-play as well as aid the table in narrative creation with more than just pass/fail resolution mechanics?
  • Unique - We feel we made something entertaining and different enough to warrant your investment of time into learning a new RPG system.


You know what you want to do and how you want to do it. Roll all 3 trait Dice along with the d6 in unison. Willpowers are wild. You get one Yahtzee style re-roll with the trait dice.


Look for inherent advantages before deciding your action. Roll all 3 trait dice before deciding your action. Instincts are wild. Now roll the d6.


More than just pass fail mechanics, trait dice give you narrative cues to help describe the successful or failed action.


We realize biomatter comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Rather than restrict you to a certain set of species or races, we open it up a bit. From thin air and without restriction decide everything about your character’s appearance, species, home dimension, planet and cultural background. Feel free to borrow art and ideas from your favorite authors and artists. Whatever helps you create just do it.


You will not find classes in NEXUS: Redemption. There are no archetypes for you to pick from that will guide your characters story and confine its progression. While you will decide your characters innate strengths and weaknesses, they will not restrict your characters future. A future that is completely limitless and unforeseen.


In NEXUS: Redemption you and your character learn as you grow. Once you have completed the character creation process you will set forth on your first adventure. As you make decisions and try new things, you will log your characters skill attempts.



We are currently writing and playtesting the system. At this stage we would estimate the book is about 60% complete.

To get more information about its status and to be the first to know about its release, sign up for our mailing list, join our facebook group, or bookmark this page and check back later.

While you wait, consider downloading the system preview below and giving us some feedback.